After rounds of discussion and negotiation, Shanghai Tiansun Law Firm and Shanghai Law View Partner have concluded a merger resolution inthis September, where the two firms will start a series integration of people,resources, business, among others, to strengthen its full-service competitivenessand move on with the global expansion.Law View Partners is a boutique law firm founded in 2014 specializedin helping foreign investors, financial institutions, start-up companies andprivate investors doing business in China. The Firm's resources and servicesspan foreign investment and trade, M&A and finance, construction and realestate, corporate compliance, as well as market-leading experience advisingclients in corporate transactional advice, intellectual property and commerciallitigation. With the firm’s global reaches and professions, Law View Partnershelps clients from home and abroad in their investment and operation.Shanghai Tiansun Law Firm is a full-service firm in rapidgrowth with innovative concept which values, ever since the founding of thefirm, both global perspectives and professional skillset. Now Tiansun’s officesspan over Suzhou, Wuhan, Shanxi, Anhui, Xiamen and Changsha. As one of the fewfirms that are specialized in the Entertainment Law, Tiansun has witnessed theemergence and booming of the entertainment and media industry and have fosteredmarket-leading experience well recognized by clients in the intellectualproperty and Entertainment & Media Sector. In the recent years, to realizeits strategy of global expansion and comprehensive service competency, Tiansunhas tapped into and developed other areas such as banking and finance,international commercial arbitration, cross border M&A and IPO, familywealth management, etc., and is capable of providing comprehensive services invarious sectors. Shared with the same core value in the Firm’s mission,culture and management mode, partners in both Law View Partners and Tiansun LawFirm have successfully reached consensus to the merger of the two firms within veryshort period of time. Subsequent to the merger of the two firms, teams from bothfirms will join force to strengthen the leading competitiveness in thepertinent areas and further develop areas such as Foreign Investment and Trade,Mergers and Acquisitions, International Commercial Arbitration and Corporate Transaction,etc. to provide better services to clients from home and abroad.
This has been a big step for the Firm to become one ofthe top-tier legal service providers. We want to take this opportunity tosincerely appreciate your consistent trust, support and attention to us andlook forward to keeping working with you along the road ahead!